Design yourself you future project

Evitech is proud to propose you a new tool, to design your permiter protection project :

Available from anywhere, and any environment, thanks to the web technologies that it uses, user friendly and easy to use, this tool allows you to create all your perimeter protection projects. You can use a map selected from a well known application, or a scan or a digital map from your own (gif, jpeg, ...), that you upload and give the scale. Once done, you select your cameras among a large selection of partners cameras (especially for thermal cameras whose focal lengths are fixed), and you can place them on the map, one after the other. Once you have selected the minimum target size at the end of the field of view (knowing that Jaguar can start from one pixel targets), and the height and field of view of each camera, you can then see the camera cones drawn on your map, move them to connect them, and adapt the camera set to fit the project at its best. Cameras can be set at any height, over masts or over existing buildings, according to your preferences.

Once you have finished, the tool allows the generation of a PDF format report, complete and neutral, that does not contain any proprietary reference, and allows to use it for any customer, and in any context of public call of tender open to competition. In this report, you'll retrieve a full project map, and a detailed map camera per camera, as well as the table of all the cameras you have used.

This map should then be verified on the ground with respect to ground geometry, which can bring some surprises : gutters, sidewalks, inclined planes and slopes, low walls, bush. The project design tool is an efficient project preparation tool, but nothing replaces the visit on the ground, and a view or a picture at each foreseen camera position, with the verification that nothing masks the expected field of view.

Please let us know your feedback about the use of this new tool.