EVITECH wins a contract of almost 100.000 € for ensuring the protection of a major oil installation.
In order to secure the oil installations and to prevent any incident that may happen on an oil installation (such as misfunction, consequences for customers, pollution, ...), the Jaguar product from Evitech was chosen for detecting from thermal camera images, any trouble in a sensitive area of the site. After this first installation, the extension of the solution to the whole site is under study, as well as the extension to other sites alike of this major international oil operator.
Thermal cameras generate grey-scale images which refer to the temperature of observed elements in a scene (pipes, fences, cracking tours, ...). They ensure a reliable image in permanence, day and night, as well as when fog or smoke situations. A thermal camera does not suffer of visibility limitations that human eyes or classical optical cameras do.
"The Jaguar software from Evitech, whose technology was initially developped for a Defense Program, integrates specific algorithms optimized for thermal cameras", declares Laurent Assouly, manager of the project at Evitech. "These are specificities that make it possible for Evitech to follow a very impressive progress this year," he confirms. "The turnover target of 450 K€ we had set for 2008 is on a good way to be overcomed, 3 months before the end of the year," he concludes.
Evitech is a french start-up of Security & Defence created in 2005, with the support of MoD, Oseo, and several players supporting start-up creation and development here in France. Partner of several major groups for Security and Defence in France, Evitech ensures protection of major strategic sites in France (administration, defence, energy, decision, intellectual property, culture, customs ...). Its first references abroad were settled in 2007, export being around 20% of its turnover today.